6 Must-Read Books to Help You Navigate a Career Change in 2019

Mark Horoszowski

Mark Horoszowski is the co-founder and CEO of MovingWorlds.org.

Thinking about changing your career in 2019?

These 6 must-read books will help you better understand yourself, your career transition, and what steps you should take next to land your dream job.

Barking Up The Wrong Tree Book Cover

Barking up the Wrong Tree by Eric Barker

This might sound like a funny book with zero relevance to your career search, but it’s a must read for one very important reason: It will help you understand that, despite our best efforts, we often make irrational decisions. The career search is full of these, too. This book will give you the best possible advice for realizing your irrationality, setting goals, and increasing the chance of achieving them.

How to Win Friends Book Cover

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This is a must-read book for all things business. It’s also critical for your career. Why? The best job is likely one that you’ll never find on a job board. It’ll be because of your professional network. This work will help you build the best possible network.

Adam Grant Book Cover

Give and Take by Adam Grant

Once you build your network, this book by Adam Grant shows you how to effectively use your time and energy to build the most productive network that will support you in your transition.

Purpose Economy Book Cover

The Purpose Economy by Aaron Hurst

This book will help you understand what it is that gives you purpose in work, and how to find it. As a bonus, once you land your job, it will continue to give you guidance in making sure it is a job you’ll love.

Your Next Move book cover

Your Next Move by Michael D. Watkins

From the author that brought you The First 90 Days, this book is especially relevant for managers and leaders looking to transition into roles with more responsibility.

What Color is Your Parachute 2019 Book Cover

What Color Is Your Parachute? 2019: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers by Richard Bolles

Updated every year, What Color Is Your Parachute continues to be one of the most comprehensive job search manuals providing updated and relevant guidance for your resume, cover letters, interviews, and all other aspects of your job search.

Interested in getting more support beyond a book? If you’re looking to transition to a career that will make the world better, apply to be a MovingWorlds Institute Global Fellow for community and coaching as you navigate a career transition that contributes to the greater good.