ALL Posts: Category Archives: Sustainable Development Goals
The Harvard Business Review recently released an article addressing that the lack of access to talent is one of the top 7 priority areas for the United States Government to tackle in order to maintain/regain its competitiveness, and the competitiveness of its businesses. Investing in
In the summer of 2010, the World Economic Forum (WEF) released a powerful body of research about Stimulating Economies Through Fostering Talent Mobility. It’s an eye-opening look into issues facing economic growth of developing nations. According the the study, “High-quality human resources and the availability
(and what social entrepreneurs can learn from it) In low- and middle-income countries every 10 percentage point increase in broadband [internet] penetration accelerates economic growth by 1.38 percentage points, boosts GDP up to 1.4%, and increases labor productivity up to 1.5%. -WorldBank Report on Building