The Harvard Business Review recently released an article addressing that the lack of access to talent is one of the top 7 priority areas for the United States Government to tackle in order to maintain/regain its competitiveness, and the competitiveness of its businesses.
Investing in talent development would be, for lack of a better phrase, “smart business” for the U.S.. After all, according to President Calvin Coolidge “The business of America is business.”
Emerging markets and developing countries are facing the same challenge when it comes to talent. A World Economic Forum report highlights that the “talent gap” will soon become the number one barrier to economic growth.
Around the world Social Enterprises are the main drivers of sustainable economic and social progress. According to the World Economic Forum, most SEs are not meeting potential as they lack access to quality information, talent, and networks.
The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and share similar findings. Even the World Bank is starting to address this challenge with its statement regarding the “skills gap“. If we want to create a better world, we need to take a holistic approach to doing so. This includes planning for the long-term by ensuring that we have (and will have) enough people with the proper talent, skills, and knowledge to make an impact.
So what can you do?
- Develop your own skills for meaningful and successful future (learn more about Experteering to do just that)
- Encourage your business / employer to invest in talent development
- Advocate to policy makers and politicians to support talent development, and lower any hurdles facing it.