Here is everything you need to know about IMPACT2030

Mark Horoszowski

Mark Horoszowski is the co-founder and CEO of

At IMPACT2030 we believe that if we can unlock and activate the passion and skills of the world’s extensive base of employees we can significantly increase our collective impact on the Sustainable Development Goals.
-Peter Bodin, Chairman of the Board of Directors, IMPACT2030, and Global CEO, Grant Thornton International Ltd.

What is IMPACT2030

According to the IMPACT2030 website, “Anchored by Sustainable Development Goals No. 17, Partnerships for the Goals, IMPACT2030 has the unique mission to activate human capital investments globally through pro-bono, skills-based and direct employee volunteer programs to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.”

IMPACT2030 has three primary focus areas: 

  1. ACTIVATE a global movement of employees around the SDGs by helping companies to inspire, engage and unite their people around the Sustainable Development Goals. 
  2. COLLABORATE across industries and sectors to identify shared priorities and scale the impact of human capital investments to tackle social and environmental issues.
  3. MEASURE the outcomes and impact of human capital investments on the Sustainable Development Goals by developing a framework and methodology to measure the outcomes and impact of human capital investments on the SDGs

IMPACT2030 will be successful when significantly more employees are supported, encouraged, and rewarded for volunteering to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and their contributions are easily measured, shared, and improved upon.

Who started Impact2030?

IMPACT2030 was founded in response to United Nations Resolution A/RES/66/67, which called on the United Nations to further engage with the private sector “through the expansion of corporate volunteering and employee volunteer activities.” In an effort to provide a global mechanism for this new approach to community investment, IMPACT 2030 was launched in 2011 by Realized Worth in partnership with the United Nations Office of Partnerships. The initiative is a collaboration of companies around the world, of all sizes, to mobilize their employees in volunteer efforts towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Why the world needs IMPACT2030

According to the United Nations, volunteers are critical to the world achieving the sustainable development goals: “Many of the Sustainable Development Goals call for long-term attitude and behaviour changes. Volunteers facilitate changes in mindsets by raising awareness or championing those changes and inspiring others.

Human capital – not financial – will be the force that creates a sustainable planet free from injustices and inequalities. However, most human capital that has the skills, expertise, and resources that can afford to contribute their time for free are working in companies. IMPACT2030 helps companies identify ways to engage more humans and focus that energy towards the sustainable development goals. But the idea of this is bigger.

How does IMPACT2030 work?

IMPACT2030 is a network of networks. It establishes locally-led networks around the world which it calls Regional Impact Councils.

A Regional Impact Council is comprised of individuals from regionally-based organizations, representing the private sector, public sector, academia, and civil society, with a shared interest in achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through employee volunteering. Members work together to:

  1. Identify locally based companies and business associations interested in advancing the practice of employee volunteering and introduce them to the work and goals of IMPACT2030 and the SDGs (here’s an example from its work in the United Arab Emirates)
  2. Capture local and regional data on the status and the practice of employee volunteering as well as regional or international barriers (cultural or legal), gaps in private sector capacity, best practices and standards relating to employee volunteering
  3. Promote the work of IMPACT2030 and advocate for partner and stakeholder projects within a geographical area
  4. Assist with the reporting and tracking process of employee volunteerism on a regional level

The people within the councils that work for companies work within those companies to help:

  1. Activate their employees: IMPACT2030 provides resources the companies to help them educate their employees on the Sustainable Development Goals.
  2. Collaborate with more partners: IMPACT2030 provides events, awards, networking, and education to help companies work together to mobilize more employees.
  3. Measure the impact of their collective efforts: IMPACT2030 is creating a list of metrics that will best monitor the progress of how to increase and improve employee volunteering to accelerate progress towards the goals.

Where does IMPACT2030 operate?

IMPACT2030 currently works with 55 companies and a number of other stakeholders. It has Regional Impact Councils in the following locations:

  1. The UAE  
  2. Toronto 
  3. Baltimore 
  4. Lisbon 
  5. Istanbul 
  6. Australia 
  7. New Zealand
  8. And more coming soon!

How to get involved with IMPACT2030

Find other partners that are part of IMPACT2030, and then submit your own interest on this form hosted on