It’s Going to Go Big: What this #GlobalFellow Learned Experteering at The Women’s Bakery in Rwanda

Petra Barbu

Petra is a content marketer passionate about social enterprise, impact investing, and microfinance.

Jill Ritchot is an experienced communications and policy professional, and she recently put her skills to work to support The Women’s Bakery in Rwanda. Working together to support community development project, they saw social impact spirits rise, along with their delicious bread. Read on to learn more about their experience, and you should also read Jill’s full story on the Women’s Bakery blog here.


Jill had an extremely successful trip helping this local social enterprise raise awareness about their cause through social impact marketing, working in the field to make a difference and learning how to bake in the process. Join Jill in making an impact by volunteering your marketing skills, partnering to end world hunger, and applying to a MovingWorlds program today.

Jill Ritchot: Experteering in Kigali, Rwanda from MovingWorlds on Vimeo.