July Social Impact News Roundup: Frameworks for the Future

Alexandra Nemeth

Senior Manager, Content Marketing & Storytelling at MovingWorlds

How Policy Can Enable Social Enterprises to Thrive

Among the top obstacles facing social enterprises are complex and sometimes unclear regulatory frameworks. Although social enterprises can be found all over the world, most jurisdictions suffer from a lack of laws and policies that support them. 

To address this challenge, the Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation collaborated with more than 60 member law firms around the world to investigate how legal reform can act as a catalyst for social enterprise. The resulting Social Enterprise Law & Policy Report offers a comparative analysis of how different countries support and enable the development of social ventures, along with recommendations for policymakers to create more enabling local environments. Here’s a breakdown of what they found, courtesy of the World Economic Forum. 

A Framework for Responsible AI in Social Innovation

On 25 June, the Schwab Foundation’s Global Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship launched its second AI report, “AI for Impact: The PRISM Framework for Responsible AI in Social Innovation.” This groundbreaking research introduces the PRISM Framework to guide social innovators and other organizations through the nuanced landscape of AI integration. It encourages organizations to start with low-risk, low-cost AI applications and stresses the importance of organizational readiness over mere technological capability, and aligns with established methodologies like AI Governance Alliance’s Presidio Framework. Missed the first report in the series? We’ve got you covered – check out our breakdown of key takeaways here.

Spotlight on Social Procurement in the EU

Social procurement integrates social enterprises into corporate value chains, offering an opportunity for faster scaling of effective solutions. This approach also holds promise for accelerating the corporate transition to net zero (and even net positive) impact. A new report from our friends at Sattva Consulting, Impact Europe, and SAP explores this trend through an EU lens, sharing how more than 35 companies have adopted social procurement, navigated its complexities, and demonstrated good practices in action. Among its key takeaways? Companies still struggle to build their pipeline of social enterprises, but cross-sector capacity building efforts can help bridge that gap. 

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A Final Bit of Inspiration

“You don’t have to be a genius or a visionary or even a college graduate to be successful. You just need a framework and a dream.”

Michael Dell