September Social Impact News Roundup: Circular Solutions for an Interconnected World

Alexandra Nemeth

Senior Manager, Content Marketing & Storytelling at MovingWorlds

The Role of Water in the SDGs

Last week was World Water Week, which focused this year on the theme of water cooperation for peace and security. It’s a theme that asks us to recognize our inherent interdependence on each other, as well as the inextricable link between water and our global food, nutrition, biodiversity, and energy security. Across a wide range of virtual and in-person events, four key themes shaped this year’s agenda: water diplomacy (and the need for transboundary cooperation), climate resilience (as it relates to addressing water security, conservation, and management), human rights (including youth empowerment and social justice), and WASH (sharing examples of innovative solutions to water, sanitation, and hygiene challenges – like this one from our TRANSFORM Support Hub network!) 

A Circular Approach to Textile Waste

Of the 92 million tons of textile waste produced globally each year, a staggering 87% ends up in landfills – polluting our air with greenhouse gasses and our oceans with microplastics. To help change that, our partners at Upaya Social Ventures set up a new textile waste management Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) for sanitation worker-first enterprises in India to meaningfully engage with textile waste and support circularity in fashion. The pilot program will support 3 circular waste enterprises in its pilot program, with the ultimate goal of developing and demonstrating successful business models in textile waste management that can be replicated and scaled across different geographical locations, thereby influencing market building. Learn more here about how its work is helping build a circular market for textile waste.

Creating Clarity with Data-Driven Impact Investing

Navigating the myriad acronyms, frameworks, and reporting requests in the impact investing landscape can be overwhelming. This lack of clarity leads to common pitfalls like misalignment of data, underutilization of insights, and lack of dedicated resources — all of which undercut impact. A new article from our friends at Impact Entrepreneur outlines effective strategies for cutting through the ambiguity with data-driven decision making. Key recommendations include: linking data collection and reporting to strategic goals, establishing governance mechanisms, dedicating resources to understand stakeholder interconnections, and upskilling boards and executives on sustainability. 

Social Impact Job Openings

Upcoming Events & New Programs

  • September 4: Join the TRANSFORM Support Hub and Yunus Social Business for an “Impact Measurement Best Practices” Workshop, featuring special guest Manasi Parvatikar. Learn more and register here.
  • September 24-26: Business Fights Poverty is hosting a Global Goals Summit, coinciding with the UN General Assembly and New York Climate Week. Learn more here.
  • September 26: Join the TRANSFORM Support Hub for “Growing Your Impact-Driven Brand Through Storytelling,” featuring journalist and brand strategist Sophie Lee. Learn more and register here.

Wins from our TRANSFORM Support Hub Network

  • Aquarech and Coamana, two African Agtech startups from Acumen’s Foundry, raised $850,000 from Village Capital!
  • Caare was showcased at the Global Virtual Pitch hosted by PhixAi at PATH!
  • Elli Cares was recently awarded a grant as winner of the Selwyn Foundation’s Respectful Ageing Innovation Competition, and was named a finalist in the She Loves Tech Oceania Region pitching competition! 
  • Faces Up Uganda team leader, Ssekitto Kalule Emmanuel, graduated from the Mandela Washington Fellowship 2024 in Washington, D.C.!
  • Innovest Afrika has achieved 501(c)(3) status!
  • I was a Sari has been officially certified by the World Fair Trade Organization! 
  • Kran Nanobubble was recognized by UpLink – World Economic Forum for its innovative approach to improve water efficiency with nanobubbles! 
  • Mona Andrews, Founder of Stay In The Game, published a new feature in Forbes!
  • Nazava Water Filters achieved its B Corp Certification with an outstanding score!
  • Nivi recently graduated from the prestigious Chat for Impact GenAI Accelerator program!
  • Nyalore was featured in this Nation Africa article, highlighting its innovative approach to affordable, clean, and sustainable cooking solutions!
  • Orleon GmbH is launching its first course in speech-to-text interpreting in September! Sign up here.
  • SuperBetter (and its SuperBetter Children collaboration in Zambia) are among 34 global innovations shortlisted for HundrED’s Spotlight on Wellbeing in Schools!
  • Supplya celebrated 3 years of seamless sourcing and selling, and was featured in this article about how it’s enabling the future of digital retail in Africa!
  • Swiss Capacity Building Facility published its annual report!
  • Young Africa International implemented a youth empowerment program with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to equip young people in Sub-Saharan Africa with vocational and life skills! 

A Final Bit of Inspiration

“In the circular economy, waste is not the end but the beginning of a new cycle of value creation and environmental stewardship.” – Dr. Ona Newton