Social impact and social enterprise trends — January 2019

Mark Horoszowski

Mark Horoszowski is the co-founder and CEO of

Every month, we share leading social impact insights, trends, events, and organizations to help you be more effective at creating change. It’s a small part of what we do to build world-positive leaders while supporting social impact projects around the world. Scroll down for our favorites from January of 2019.

You Should Read This

The Harvard Business Review articles Why Social Entrepreneurs Are So Burned Out and Two Keys to Sustainable Enterprise are a must read.

Our Take: As the promise of social enterprise continues to grow, so does the pressure on people working in them. This creates high-levels of personal stress, which can drive people out of this industry. Beyond these articles sharing best-practices for business + impact sustainability, research shows that social entrepreneurial leaders need to care for themselves, too. They must work for personal balance, no matter how important their cause and pressing their business needs.

You Should Know This

The World Economic Forum published its 2019 Global Risks report

Our Take: The world’s most worrisome challenges will lead to more social innovations. While extreme weather remains on this year’s report as one of the scariest issues, expect to see more businesses, startups, and products related to involuntary migration, data protection, social instability, mental health, and even political instability — which are other key risks highlighted by the report.

You Should Attend This

Social Capital Markets 365 — SOCAP365 — brings people together to explore the intersection of money and meaning at regional events beyond its annual conference. The next 365 event is in Seattle.

Our Take: As “impact investing” becomes mainstream, SOCAP is one of the go-to places to stay informed on leading trends in the industry.

You Should Follow This Social Impact Organization

Compadre’s innovative solar-powered coffee roaster

Compadre is an innovative, solar-powered coffee roaster that creates higher income for coffee farmers. Through our partnership withSiemens Stiftung empowering people. Network we’ve been able to sponsor Experteers to support the innovative work of Compadre. You should follow it to see how it’s creating an effective business model to empower coffee farmers.

You Should Watch This

The #BeyondBuzzwords free webinar series shares guidance, insights, and stories from industry leaders that have effectively led change from within their organization. This month’s episode features social impact lessons from Genentech’s award-winning program, Futurelab.

Social Enterprise Announcements from MovingWorlds

The MovingWorlds Institute Global Fellowship program is open for applications. The Institute is an incredible opportunity to join a global network of professionals striving to find more purpose in their work and make a bigger impact with their careers.